
This year I want to promote and support many of my favorite charities. Some of these will be personally important, some will be timely based on world events and some may be groups I discover over this year of giving. I hope by creating this blog, donating my daily $5.00 and bringing attention to the cause, I can change the world in a good way. Please consider following my lead by making a donation to any of the groups that resonate with you.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Cancer for College

What is Cancer for College?
Cancer for College was formed in 1993 by Craig Pollard as a senior project while at the USC Business School.  Craig was a two-time cancer survivor and witnessed first hand the financial impact cancer can have on a family and the hope a college education can provide to a survivor.

Today I donated $10 to Cancer for College. I won't be making a $5 donation on June 30th.  See you in July.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Little Kids Rock

We won’t rest until every student has the opportunity to unlock his or her inner music-maker. That is Little Kids Rock’s mission, and over the past 12 years, we have given more than 300,000 under-served schoolchildren across the U.S. access to fun, engaging, Modern Band music classes and brand new instruments at no cost to the students, teachers, or school districts.

Little Kids Rock trains public school teachers and donates all of the instruments, curricular resources and support they need to ensure that their kids receive the right to rock! What makes Little Kids Rock different is that they do more than just donate instruments like guitars, drums and keyboards; they build lasting music programs that focus on teaching kids to perform, improvise and compose the popular music genres that they already know and love, like rock, pop, blues, hip-hop, country, reggae and R&B.

The minimum donation is $10. So I won't be blogging on June 28.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

ALS Association

Established in 1985, The ALS Association is the only national non-profit organization fighting Lou Gehrig’s Disease on every front.  By leading the way in global research, providing assistance for people with ALS through a nationwide network of chapters, coordinating multidisciplinary care through certified clinical care centers, and fostering government partnerships, The Association builds hope and enhances quality of life while aggressively searching for new treatments and a cure.

As the preeminent ALS organization, The Association leads the way in research, care services, public education, and public policy — giving help and hope to those facing the disease.  The Association’s nationwide network of chapters provides comprehensive patient services and support to the ALS community. The mission of The ALS Association is to lead the fight to treat and cure ALS through global research and nationwide advocacy, while also empowering people with Lou Gehrig’s Disease and their families to live fuller lives by providing them with compassionate care and support.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014


Eradicating the global vision care crisis in our lifetime.

We’re an independent nonprofit providing access to quality eyecare and eyewear in underserved communities worldwide

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Black Girls Code

Black Girls CODE is devoted to showing the world that black girls can code, and do so much more. By reaching out to the community through workshops and after school programs, Black Girls CODE introduces computer coding lessons to young girls from underrepresented communities in programming languages such as Scratch or Ruby on Rails. Black Girls CODE has set out to prove to the world that girls of every color have the skills to become the programmers of tomorrow. By promoting classes and programs we hope to grow the number of women of color working in technology and give underprivileged girls a chance to become the masters of their technological worlds.

Monday, June 23, 2014

The Hole in the Wall Gang Camp

The Hole in the Wall Gang Camp is dedicated to providing “a different kind of healing” to seriously ill children and their families throughout the Northeast, free of charge. It’s a community that celebrates the fun, friendship and spirit of childhood where every kid can “raise a little hell.”

Friday, June 20, 2014

Equality Michigan

Our Mission:
Equality Michigan works to achieve full equality and respect for all people in Michigan regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression.

Equality Michigan is Michigan's only statewide anti-violence and advocacy organization working primarily for Michigan's lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) communities. Our organizations work to create change on a local and state level that advances equality and legal protections for the LGBT communities. As we achieve this change, we will count and counter, through advocacy services, acts of discrimination from bullying in the schoolyard, to wrongful termination in the workplace, to acts of violence committed against LGBT people in our community.

The Equality Michigan staff is a diverse group of people who are considered national experts in their respective areas of work. Our Board of Trustees is a diverse group comprised of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and allied community leaders from across Michigan.

Today I donated $15 to Equality Michigan. I won't be blogging for the next 3 days.
Happy Pride!!

- See more at: http://www.equalitymi.org/about-us#sthash.p6nso97G.dpuf

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Hawaii Forest Institute

The mission of the Hawai`i Forest Institute is to promote the health and productivity of Hawaii’s forests through forest restoration, educational programs, information dissemination, and support for scientific research.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014


Rock For Kids provides music education to underserved children in Chicago, sparking creativity and passion, teaching critical thinking, supporting academic achievement and enriching young lives.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Fish Orphans Scheme

FishOrphans was formed in 1999 by  Gerald Jennings and his wife, Wedad. Gerald is and has been a fishkeeper and ichthyologist, both amateur and professional for over 40 years and has written many books on fishkeeping and aquaria related subjects. He is also currently the European Representative of the International Federation of Online Clubs and Aquatic Societies (IFOCAS) which is the authoritative 'voice' of the aquarium community worldwide.

Monday, June 16, 2014


We are committed to people, parrots, and peace on this one earth through valuing and responding to the needs of the many.

Seeking to nourish one another we contribute to the flourishing of all.

We do this by connecting people to one another and to the Earth and her beings through conservation, ecojustice, and ecotourism.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum

The Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum, in the heart of Wausau, Wisconsin, is known for its internationally acclaimed Birds in Art exhibition, presented each fall.

Art of the natural world is the guiding spirit behind the paintings, works on paper, and sculpture in the Museum’s collection.
Diverse exhibitions feature artwork from around the world and change more often than the seasons.
Enriching programs and events for all ages enliven exhibition themes.
Committed to always-free admission, the Museum is a valued community resource and north central Wisconsin cultural attraction.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

MSU Extension Service

Michigan State University (MSU) Extension helps people improve their lives by bringing the vast knowledge resources of MSU directly to individuals, communities and businesses.  For more than 100 years, MSU Extension has helped grow Michigan’s economy by equipping Michigan residents with the information that they need to do their jobs better, raise healthy and safe families, build their communities and empower our children to dream of a successful future.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Colon Cancer Alliance


Our vision is for a world free of colon cancer where education, early detection and treatment lead to survivorship for all.


Our mission is to knock colon cancer out of the top three cancer killers. We are doing this by championing prevention, funding cutting-edge research and providing the highest quality patient support services.


Prevention: Screening is the number one way you can reduce your risk for this unique cancer. While screening is the most important step you can take – it’s not the only one. You can take charge of your health by knowing your family history and possible risk factors, eating a balanced diet, exercising, limiting alcohol use and not smoking. Together, this is a cancer we can do something about.
Research:  Our research agenda includes the following: advancing biomarker research, understanding why those under 50 are increasingly diagnosed with colon cancer, decreasing late-state diagnosis of high-risk populations, closing the referral gap for screening and diagnostic testing, and advancing long-term survivorship psychosocial concerns. We view patients, researchers, medical institutions and industry as pivotal allies for pursuing this mission.
Patient Support: You’re not alone – our patient support team is here to provide hope and support to you and your family, while connecting you to the latest information, expert resources and cutting-edge tools that you need to get through a cancer diagnosis.

The minimum donation for the Colon Cancer Alliance is $10. Therefore, I won't be making a blog post until June 14.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

MAKE A WISH Foundation


Make-A-Wish® grants the wish of a child diagnosed with a life-threatening medical condition in the United States and its territories, on average, every 38 minutes. We believe that a wish experience can be a game-changer. This one belief guides us. It inspires us to grant wishes that change the lives of the kids we serve.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

American Diabetes Association

We lead the fight against the deadly consequences of diabetes and fight for those affected by diabetes. We fund research to prevent, cure and manage diabetes. We deliver services to hundreds of communities. We provide objective and credible information. We give voice to those denied their rights because of diabetes.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Heartland Alliance


The genesis of Heartland Alliance for Human Needs & Human Rights was 125 years ago, when Chicago was the fastest growing city in the world. Then, as now, too many people were struggling to survive in poverty, were new to the city or marginalized from the mainstream, vulnerable to legal or medical or financial troubles. The motivations and values of the civic leaders who sought to address these issues are the DNA that still informs today’s Heartland Alliance.

Heartland Alliance was born in 1888, when Chicago became the second city to form a Travelers Aid organization. Newcomers moving to the city to look for work—particularly vulnerable youth and women—were able to visit Travelers Aid service centers around the city’s ports and rail stations and receive help with housing, employment and community resettlement.

These efforts were expanded by the work of Jane Addams and her colleagues at Hull House, when they founded the League for the Protection of Immigrants in 1908. The League advocated to ensure immigrant rights and worked to integrate immigrants into U.S. life, placing particular attention on legal protections for youth.

Over the next sixty years, both organizations worked steadily in Chicago to assist the poor and vulnerable whose lives were upended by the events of the day: migrating military personnel during WWI, the jobless and homeless during the Depression, those displaced from Europe by WWII, Southerners flocking to Chicago in the post-war years looking for industrial jobs. The groups operated rooming houses, particularly for women and children, provided legal protections and helped with economic security and opportunity.

In 1967, the two organizations with parallel missions merged into one: Travelers Aid of Metropolitan Chicago. In the 1970s, the organization was one of the first partners of the U.S. government’s new refugee resettlement program and began working in health care with an initiative to provide medical and dental care to migrants.

Changing its name in 1980 to become Travelers and Immigrants Aid, the organization continued to grow. We identified and formed some of the first responses in the nation to the growing issue of homelessness, including birthing the Chicago Coalition for the Homeless, and helped found the AIDS Foundation of Chicago.

Heartland Alliance for Human Needs & Human Rights was formally adopted as the name of our organization in 1995 to best reflect our growing portfolio of housing, health care, economic security, and legal protections services. The experience, values, lessons, and programs of more than a century are connected in Heartland Alliance.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Migraine Research Foundation

The Migraine Research Foundation was founded in 2006 as the only nonprofit organization dedicated to funding migraine research in the United States.

Friday, June 6, 2014

The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) is the nation’s leading organization bringing together people across communities and backgrounds to understand and prevent suicide, and to help heal the pain it causes. Individuals, families, and communities who have been personally touched by suicide are the moving force behind everything we do.

We strive for a world that is free of suicide.
We support research, because understanding the causes of suicide is vital to saving lives.
We educate others in order to foster understanding and inspire action.
We offer a caring community to those who have lost someone they love to suicide, or who are struggling with thoughts of suicide themselves.
We advocate to ensure that federal, state, and local governments do all they can to prevent suicide, and to support and care for those at risk.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Mothers Against Drunk Driving(MADD)

The mission of Mothers Against Drunk Driving is to stop drunk driving, support the victims of this violent crime and prevent underage drinking.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Institute for Bird Populations

The primary goals of The Institute are:

to develop, facilitate, coordinate, and conduct scientific research and standardized monitoring of birds and their environments. The Institute focuses especially on programs that can be applied on a global scale, can provide for the long-term monitoring of avian vital rates and population trends, can help identify causes of avian population change, and can aid in formulating management actions to reverse population declines and maintain stable or increasing populations;
to educate and train individuals, organizations, and agencies, here and abroad, in avian research and monitoring methods that can elucidate the ecological effects of environmental change and can lead to scientifically defensible strategies for avian and ecosystem conservation; and
to serve as a global forum for disseminating information on regional and global changes in the abundance, distribution, and ecology of birds, and the causes of such changes. The Institute presents its findings in scientific and lay publications, and publishes Bird Populations, a scientific journal of global avian demography and biogeography.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

International Reptile Conservation Foundation

The IRCF is a member-based organization that actively pursues the conservation of reptiles and amphibians and the natural habitat and ecosystems that support them in a variety of capacities depending on the project or program. IRCF support may include funding, mobilization of volunteers, and/or logistical assistance.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Girl Scouts

In Girl Scouts, girls discover the fun, friendship, and power of girls together. Through a myriad of enriching experiences, such as extraordinary field trips, sports skill-building clinics, community service projects, cultural exchanges, and environmental stewardships, girls grow courageous and strong. Girl Scouting helps girls develop their full individual potential; relate to others with increasing understanding, skill, and respect; develop values to guide their actions and provide the foundation for sound decision-making; and contribute to the improvement of society through their abilities, leadership skills, and cooperation with others.

The minimum donation to Girl Scouts USA is $10, so I will not be making a daily donation on June 2nd.