
This year I want to promote and support many of my favorite charities. Some of these will be personally important, some will be timely based on world events and some may be groups I discover over this year of giving. I hope by creating this blog, donating my daily $5.00 and bringing attention to the cause, I can change the world in a good way. Please consider following my lead by making a donation to any of the groups that resonate with you.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Colon Cancer Alliance


Our vision is for a world free of colon cancer where education, early detection and treatment lead to survivorship for all.


Our mission is to knock colon cancer out of the top three cancer killers. We are doing this by championing prevention, funding cutting-edge research and providing the highest quality patient support services.


Prevention: Screening is the number one way you can reduce your risk for this unique cancer. While screening is the most important step you can take – it’s not the only one. You can take charge of your health by knowing your family history and possible risk factors, eating a balanced diet, exercising, limiting alcohol use and not smoking. Together, this is a cancer we can do something about.
Research:  Our research agenda includes the following: advancing biomarker research, understanding why those under 50 are increasingly diagnosed with colon cancer, decreasing late-state diagnosis of high-risk populations, closing the referral gap for screening and diagnostic testing, and advancing long-term survivorship psychosocial concerns. We view patients, researchers, medical institutions and industry as pivotal allies for pursuing this mission.
Patient Support: You’re not alone – our patient support team is here to provide hope and support to you and your family, while connecting you to the latest information, expert resources and cutting-edge tools that you need to get through a cancer diagnosis.

The minimum donation for the Colon Cancer Alliance is $10. Therefore, I won't be making a blog post until June 14.

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