
This year I want to promote and support many of my favorite charities. Some of these will be personally important, some will be timely based on world events and some may be groups I discover over this year of giving. I hope by creating this blog, donating my daily $5.00 and bringing attention to the cause, I can change the world in a good way. Please consider following my lead by making a donation to any of the groups that resonate with you.

Thursday, January 1, 2015


This site has completed it's mission, to donate $5 every day in 2014.  Although it was only a small drop, I hope it created a ripple that will continue to move across the wonderful world we live in.  All the posts from 2014 are archived and can be viewed by clicking on the menu to the right.

What a wonderful year 2014 has been. Cheers to a bright and happy future.

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

THE LAST ONE: Indonesian Parrot Project


We provide alternate means of sustainable income to villagers in parrot-rich areas of Indonesia, who in turn will protect the birds from trapping. Such alternatives collecting nuts of the kenari tree and organizing eco-tours to our major sites of work (Seram Island and the Raja Ampat Islands off West Papua), which in turn will bring income to ex-trappers who now act as bird guides and porters.

Direct provision of needed improvements to selected villages—such as improvements in schools, medical care, sanitation, and capital improvements.

Projects to improve local pride of the villagers in "their" rare and beautiful avifauna.

Funding of villagers to gather for us much-needed information on the ecology of selected birds.

Funding of selected scientific studies, such as census or breeding analyses, resulting in published scientific data useful to help conserve these birds in the wild.

Provision of educational unpublished information to members in order both to disseminate knowledge about the critical state of their populations, as well as to stimulate funding of our projects. Some will be in written articles; some via our web-site; some via public talks.

Click on the image above to go to their website.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Zoo Conservation Outreach Group

Founded in 1988, Zoo Conservation Outreach Group (ZCOG) is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit coalition of zoos, aquariums, and related partners dedicated to promoting wildlife and habitat conservation throughout the Americas. The group accomplishes its core mission by developing conservation leadership capacity in Latin American zoological institutions and providing direct technical, material, and financial support to collaborative, zoo and aquarium-based conservation programs. The former is achieved by providing access to information and training opportunities through a well-coordinated Conservation Training Scholarship Program, while the latter is accomplished by pooling technical, material, and financial support from North American partners and delivering these resources to our counterparts in Latin America and the Caribbean Basin.

Monday, December 29, 2014

Macaw Rescue Foundation

The Macaw Rescue Foundation (MRF)

Scarlet Macaw Rescue, Inc. reaches out to save the lives of threatened by abandonment or seizure and not having a permanent home. You can help bring hope to these magnificent, protected species for a lifetime of better care or provide solutions to owners of these creatures in times of crisis or disaster that threatens their ability to care for their pets. Many Macaw species are endangered in the wild and in the years to come some species will only be found in captivity.
            Macaw Rescue, Inc. is located in Palm City, Florida on a 5 acre ranchette called Yardley Farms . Palm City is on Florida's east coast about halfway between Orlando and Miami.
            The organization is governed by a Board of Directors elected from the membership with voting rights. The day to day operation is overseen by an Executive Director along with a staff of care givers and maintenance personnel.
            The membership is comprised of various levels of voting and non-voting members. Funds to support operations are derived exclusively from donations.  Macaw Rescue Inc. is registered as a non-profit entity under IRS Section 501(C)3 Public Charity Rules. It also enjoys Florida State Tax Exemption privileges and is licensed by the State of Florida to undertake Fund Raising activities. The Facility also maintains a current License to possess CLASS III Wildlife for Exhibition or Public Sale issued by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

UC Davis Honeybee Research Fund

Honeybees are in trouble and need your help. One third of our diet depends on honeybee pollination. Gifts to the UC Davis Honeybee Research Fund support research, education and outreach efforts in the areas of honeybee biology, health and pollination services.

Saturday, December 27, 2014


Harpseals.org seeks to bring about a permanent end to the massacres of harp seals in Canada . We are utilizing mass media and grassroots activism to raise awareness about the continued killing of the seals in Canada and are promoting a boycott of Canadian seafood to pressure the sealers (who are fishermen) to call for an end to the killing. Harpseals.org is focusing on the power that Americans have to stop this slaughter because Americans buy about 70% of Canadian seafood exports. Harpseals.org is working to spread the message about the Canadian seafood boycott through mass media advertising, such as billboards, radio and television commercials, and print ads and through grassroots outreach, including leafletting, tabling, speaking engagements, and demonstrations. We also seek to educate the public and raise funds through special events that generate media attention. We welcome volunteers of all ages with all kinds of skills and interests and creative ideas.

Friday, December 26, 2014

Quilts for Kids

Transforming fabrics into patchwork quilts that comfort children with life-threatening illnesses and children of abuse.

A Letter from the Founder
It seems like only yesterday that I discovered a wealth of discontinued fabric samples being thrown away. In those days it never occurred to me that we’d be an international organization today. I was only looking to save some fabric samples from a landfill. I was assured by all my friends and family that this was a dumb idea and no one would make quilts for some stranger’s child…and do it for free! Well, 14 years later you have managed to prove these nay-sayers wrong, for you have given from your hearts and helped to turn tears into smiles for tens of thousands of children that you never even knew existed. Our goal continues to be donating 30,000 yearly.