
This year I want to promote and support many of my favorite charities. Some of these will be personally important, some will be timely based on world events and some may be groups I discover over this year of giving. I hope by creating this blog, donating my daily $5.00 and bringing attention to the cause, I can change the world in a good way. Please consider following my lead by making a donation to any of the groups that resonate with you.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

League of Conservation Voters Education Fund

LCVEF works to turn environmental values into national, state and local priorities. LCVEF, in collaboration with our state LCVEF partners, educates the public, media and elected officials about key environmental issues, works to increase voter participation in the democratic process and mobilizes a diverse network of activists to advocate for sound environmental policies.

An independent, non-partisan 501(c)(3) organization, LCV Education Fund was founded in 1985 to provide research and training on environmental issues.  We launched our grassroots program in 1995 to activate the movement’s citizen support base at the national, state and local levels.  Since then, LCV Education Fund has delivered valuable technology, organizing tools, and training to more than 500 environmental and allied groups.  LCV Education Fund possesses national experience in field organizing, policy, list development, research and non partisan civic engagement that is unmatched in the environmental community and rarely outside of it.

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