
This year I want to promote and support many of my favorite charities. Some of these will be personally important, some will be timely based on world events and some may be groups I discover over this year of giving. I hope by creating this blog, donating my daily $5.00 and bringing attention to the cause, I can change the world in a good way. Please consider following my lead by making a donation to any of the groups that resonate with you.

Friday, January 31, 2014

Association of Avian Veterinarians Research Fund

The Association of Avian Veterinarians was established in 1980. The Association membership is comprised of veterinarians from private practice, zoos, universities and industry, as well as allied personnel, technicians and students. Prior to 1987, Associate membership was open to all individuals with an interest in avian medicine. All Associate members, keeping their membership current, have been allowed to continue their membership in the Association.


Mission Statement: The Association of Avian Veterinarians is an international professional organization of practitioners advancing and promoting avian medicine, stewardship, and conservation through education of its members, the veterinary community and those they serve.
Slogan: "Advancing and promoting avian medicine and stewardship."
Purpose: Education of small animal practitioners with an interest in avian medicine. 

The AAV has given over $300,000 to support clinical related research in avian medicine over the last 35 years.

Thursday, January 30, 2014


About Heifer International

Heifer International's mission is to work with communities to end hunger and poverty and care for the Earth.
Dan West was a farmer from the American Midwest and member of the Church of the Brethren who went to the front lines of the Spanish Civil War as an aid worker. His mission was to provide relief, but he soon discovered the meager single cup of milk rationed to the weary soldiers once a day was not enough.
And then he had a thought: What if they had not a cup, but a cow?
That "teach a man to fish" philosophy is what drove West to found Heifer International. And now, nearly 70 years later, that philosophy still inspires our work to end hunger and poverty throughout the world once and for all.


We empower families to turn hunger and poverty into hope and prosperity – but our approach is more than just giving them a handout. Heifer links communities and helps brings sustainable agriculture and commerce to areas with a long history of poverty. Our animals provide partners with both food and reliable income, as agricultural products such as milk, eggs and honey can be traded or sold at market.
When many families gain this new sustainable income, it brings new opportunities for building schools, creating agricultural cooperatives, forming community savings and funding small businesses.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014


The High Line is a public park built on an historic freight rail line elevated above the streets on Manhattan’s West Side. It is owned by the City of New York, and maintained and operated by Friends of the High Line. Founded in 1999 by community residents, Friends of the High Line fought for the High Line’s preservation and transformation at a time when the historic structure was under the threat of demolition. It is now the nonprofit conservancy working with the New York City Department of Parks & Recreation to make sure the High Line is maintained as an extraordinary public space for all visitors to enjoy. In addition to overseeing maintenance, operations, and public programming for the park, Friends of the High Line works to raise the essential private funds to support more than 90 percent of the park’s annual operating budget, and to advocate for the preservation and transformation of the High Line at the Rail Yards, the third and final section of the historic structure, which runs between West 30th and West 34th Streets.
The High Line is located on Manhattan's West Side. It runs from Gansevoort Street in the Meatpacking District to West 34th Street, between 10th and 11th Avenues. The first section of the High Line opened on June 9, 2009. It runs from Gansevoort Street to West 20th Street. The second section, which runs between West 20th and West 30th Streets, opened June 8, 2011.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014


Kakapo have inhabited New Zealand for thousands of years but, with the arrival of humans and introduced predators, their once abundant numbers rapidly declined. By the 1970s only 18 kakapo were known to exist – all in Fiordland and all males. The species seemed doomed to extinction. But in 1977, a population of male and female kakapo was discovered on Stewart Island, giving new hope for the survival of this precious bird. Since then, a small team of dedicated staff from the Department of Conservation have worked tirelessly to protect, manage and grow the kakapo population. They have been supported by volunteers throughout New Zealand and, increasingly overseas, who provide extra support – by nest-minding and supplementary feeding – during the precious breeding seasons. Today there are kakapo breeding populations on three predator-free islands: Whenua Hou/Codfish Island, off Stewart Island, Anchor Island in southwest Fiordland and Hauturu/Little Barrier Island in the Hauraki Gulf. Staff work year round ensuring the birds are safe, healthy and well fed. The aim of Kakapo Recovery is to establish at least two managed populations of kakapo and another self-sustaining population, each with at least 50 breeding aged females, in a protected habitat.

Monday, January 27, 2014


To honor and empower Wounded Warriors

  • To raise awareness and enlist the public's aid for the needs of injured service members.

  • To help injured service members aid and assist each other.

  • To provide unique, direct programs and services to meet the needs of injured service members.

Sunday, January 26, 2014


MissionAt Almost Home Kids, our mission is to provide transitional care in a home-like setting to children with complicated health needs, training for their families and respite care.
Almost Home Kids is a Village made up of Medical Professionals, Recreational Volunteers, Community Providers, Sponsors, Donors, Friends, Corporate & Civic Partners.
VisionThe Almost Home Kids model is present in any place there is a need without regard to geographical boundaries. All key community and policy stakeholders are fully committed to the AHK model and recognize it as the premiere standard of care.
The vision of expansion has become a reality with the opening of our new site in Chicago at 211 E Grand Ave, blocks away from Lurie Children’s Hospital!
HistoryThe concept for Almost Home Kids was developed in 1992, by two mothers who were determined to keep their children out of institutions, but were exhausted due to the 24/7 medical needs of their children. At that time, facilities outside the institutionalized settings did not exist that were equipped to provide for the complex medical routines of children who were medically fragile. To locate the program intentionally in a residential setting, a home was purchased through a HUD Grant. Remodeled, the home opened its doors in 1999, to serve those exceptional children and their families across the State of Illinois.
Since opening, Almost Home Kids has served over 950 children who are medically fragile and their families, thanks in part to Illinois Governor passing house bill 0359 in 2003, revising the Alternative Health Care Delivery Act making possible “Children’s Community-Based Health Care Centers”.  Today we offer Respite Care, Transitional Care (120 day hospital to home program) and Transportation Respite Care. Our goal is to have children living comfortably with their families at home.

Saturday, January 25, 2014


HorsePower was co-founded in March 2012 by Carrie Capes and Justin Yahnig to provide creative, inspiring, and challenging therapeutic horseback riding lessons to children and adults with disabilities.  In 2013, Horsepower achieved 501(c)3 nonprofit status allowing us to reach more students with a need for our programs.

Physical, cognitive, and emotional challenges no longer need to stand in the way of those with special needs who dream about getting into the saddle and making a connection with a special horse.  We strive to show our students the horse's power to change us, inside and out!   Individualized lesson programs  include intake and assessment sessions, groom  and tack, groundwork, and  horseback riding instruction.  We also provide non-disabled riders the extra support they may desire as well as carefully trained, reliable horses and a safe, fun environment in which to learn.

Therapeutic horseback riding is a dynamic recreational activity in which individuals with special needs are  able to overcome challenges and learn new skills.  Communication, connection, and teamwork between the student and their horse offers opportunities for physical, emotional, cognitive, sensory and social growth.  Plus, the horse provides irresistible motivation which allows students to achieve more in the saddle than other traditional sports and therapies.

HorsePower students are taught to ride with ever-increasing levels of independence.  Trained volunteer horse leaders and side-walkers are provided initially, and slowly pulled away over time as the rider demonstrates the ability to safely guide their own horse.  All students are encouraged to schedule adequate time to learn how to groom and tack their horse prior to the lesson....enriching the bond and providing additional opportunities for skill acquisition.

Thursday, January 23, 2014


3425 N. Milwaukee Ave.
Chicago, IL 60641

Sit Stay Read provides free literacy programs to Chicago's inner city children. Sit Stay Read tackles the serious issue of childhood literacy in a fun way by using dogs as a tool to get kids excited about reading! Programs include a comprehensive curriculum as well as an evaluation plan to ensure a positive impact. This program works because dogs make reading fun!

Design by literacy experts, innovative programs bring much needed reading help to 7-9 year old children in public schools and community facilities in Chicago's poorest neighborhoods. The organization's trained fluency volunteers and certified dog teams make reading less intimidating for the children and, in doing so, more fun.

The goal of every program is to improve reading fluency.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014


In 1999, Angelic Organics Learning Center was established as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit educational organization and a partner to Angelic Organics farm. As members of the Angelic Organics farm, our founders, Tom Spaulding (Executive Director of the Learning Center), Biodynamic farmer John Peterson and a group of Chicago-area residents, knew first-hand how a farm could help people renew relationships with land, farmers, and community. Since the humble beginnings of the Learning Center we’ve become a regional leader helping urban and rural people build local food systems; Each year through our three main initiatives we engage more than 4,000 individuals.


Tuesday, January 21, 2014

National Runaway Safeline

Mission Statement
The mission of the National Runaway Safeline (NRS) is to help keep America’s runaway, homeless and at-risk youth safe and off the streets.

Values of NRS
NRS provides education and solution-focused interventions, offers non-sectarian, non-judgmental support, respects confidentiality, collaborates with volunteers, and responds to at-risk youth and their families 24 hours a day.

History of NRS
Metro-Help was established in 1971 to fill a need for comprehensive crisis intervention for young people in Chicago. It was conceived as a centralized organization with free 24-hour services, expertise in all youth-related issues and as an information clearinghouse of youth services.

In 1974, the agency received an eight-month federal demonstration grant to establish a national hotline. During this time, 11,000 calls were received demonstrating the need for this type of service. Beginning as the National Runaway Switchboard, and now as National Runaway Safeline, NRS’ capabilities and services have grown considerably. The 1-800-RUNAWAY hotline now handles more than 100,000 calls each year.

NRS’ 1-800-RUNAWAY crisis hotline is available 24-hours a day throughout the United States and its territories, including Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and Guam.

The organization serves as the federally designated national communication system for runaway and homeless youth. Our services are provided through funding from Family and Youth Services Bureau in the Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the generosity of private funders: individual donors, corporate partners, and foundation grants

Monday, January 20, 2014


City Farm turns fallow, vacant land into amazingly productive farmland. The benefits are tangible: instead of an acre of crumbling cement and overgrown weeds we have created a viable farm that produces 25,000 pounds of heirloom tomatoes, arugula, beets, carrots, herbs; and jobs for farmers, a green space that attracts hordes of volunteers, students and other visitors. And the benefits are environmental: greening, beauty, hope, value. Donate today and support City Farm.

rooftop view of city farm

Resource Center

Sunday, January 19, 2014


495,000 Chicagoans are suffering from food insecurity

Lakeview Pantry serves over 12,000 people through over 41,000 client visits.
Join us to be part of the solution.

Our mission is to eliminate hunger in our community by:

  • Providing food to fill the basic need of hungry people
  • Increasing our clients’ independence through self-help initiatives and other innovative programs
  • Raising awareness of hunger and poverty while working towards solutions to eliminate them.

Saturday, January 18, 2014


The Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund International(Click on the link to go to their site.)

Mission of the Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund

The Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund International is dedicated to the conservation and protection of gorillas and their habitats in Africa. We are committed to promoting continued research on the gorillas and their threatened ecosystems and to providing education about their relevance to the world in which we live. In collaboration with government agencies and other international partners, we also provide assistance to local communities through education, health, training and development initiatives

Friday, January 17, 2014


For 100 years, the American Cancer Society (ACS) has worked relentlessly to save lives and create a world with less cancer and more birthdays. Together with millions of our supporters worldwide, we help people stay well, help people get well, find cures, and fight back against cancer.

My donation today goes to support my friend Debbie, who recently found a lump in her throat that was diagnosed as a thyroid tumor.   Because of the research and commitment of groups like ACS, her treatment and recovery are much more likely then even a few years ago.

Please consider supporting an organization which works hard to make sure we all can celebrate more birthdays with our friends and relatives.

American Cancer Society - The Official Sponsor of Birthdays.™


Thursday, January 16, 2014

Parrots International

Twenty five years ago today, I was a young veterinary extern at the Pembroke Park Animal Hospital in Hollywood Florida, under the mentorship of Dr. Terri Parrott.  During a house call to a quarantine station in the Miami area with Terri, we were presented with a 6 week old blue front Amazon with a fractured tibia tarsus, Chlamydophilla and open wounds from being trampled by several hundred other baby blue fronts included in the group of baby birds shipped from the wilds of South America. The intention was that this valueless baby bird with injuries far beyond her value would  be euthanized.

I am happy to report that, Gator, that same little blue front just had her morning shower and is eating her breakfast as I type this. Twenty five years seems like only yesterday. She has been with me through jobs, relationships and multiple homes.  She really is a blessing and a treasure.

Today my donation honors my little parrot friend, Gator.  Who is hopelessly devoted to me, as I am to her.   I hope that this world always has a place for her species to fly free.

Parrots International is an all-volunteer organization. Our Board of Directors involves a diverse team of individuals with a wide range of talents, experiences, knowledge and education. The team is dedicated to the conservation of endangered parrot species and improving the welfare of both companion parrots and parrots in the wild. We are committed to remaining non-partisan, above "eco-politics" and working cooperatively with other conservation organizations for the maximum benefit of the birds
.Parrots International

Wednesday, January 15, 2014


Chicago Bird Collision Monitors (CBCM) is an all-volunteer conservation project dedicated to the protection of migratory birds through rescue, advocacy and outreach.
CBCM works to protect and recover migratory birds that are killed and injured in the downtown Chicago area each spring and fall migration. Confusing lights and glass building design cause thousands of birds migrating along the lakefront to collide with downtown buildings. Our teams spend the early morning hours recovering these birds to save the injured and document the fatalities that have occurred.
We promote bird-safe lighting and building design to reduce bird collision hazards. Our project collaborates with building management, architects, planners and the public to prevent bird collisions.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The Livestock Conservancy

The Livestock Conservancy
The Livestock Conservancy's mission is genetic conservation and the promotion of heritage breeds, but how does this translate into the day-to-day activities of the organization?
Since its inception in 1977 (as the American Minor Breeds Conservancy, and later, the American Livestock Breeds Conservancy), The Livestock Conservancy has been a “central hub” for anything having to do with rare breed conservation in the United States. The Livestock Conservancy does research, education, outreach, marketing and promotion, and genetic rescues to help ensure the future of rare breed agriculture.
The Livestock Conservancy staff members work out of a central office, but they are connected with breeders, members, and partners around the world. The Livestock Conservancy's central office staff members help to develop projects, produce marketing materials, connect breeders, facilitate research, and more, but it is our in-the-field partners who are doing hands-on conservation that allow us to expand our reach. The Livestock Conservancy staff members also travel around the country to conduct workshops, spread the word about heritage breeds, and assist with research and field-work.

Follow this Link to :www.livestockconservancy.org

Monday, January 13, 2014

Art Institute of Chicago

Today I contributed to the Art Institute of Chicago.  I first visited when I was 13 years old visiting Chicago with my Grandparents. From it's impressive exterior to the collections within, the Art Institute is an amazing place in the heart of the city.  The recent addition of the Modern Wing, compliments the already stunning array of artistic talent housed in this wonderful place.

A Sunday on La Grande Jatte -- 1884

Check it out!!!!!

Sunday, January 12, 2014

International Crane Foundation

If I could be any bird, I would be a crane. Beautiful, graceful, long-lived and monogamous are only some of the attributes which describe the cranes of the world.  The World is a better place because of cranes and the people who work tirelessly to protect them.

Inspiring A Global Community

The International Crane Foundation (ICF) commits to a future where all crane species are secure - a future where people cooperate to protect and restore wild populations and their ecosystems. These efforts sustain the places where cranes live, to the benefit of countless other species.

Go To: www.savingcranes.org to see more

Friday, January 10, 2014

Felines and Canines INC.

Today is another twofer, as a $10 donation was made to Felines & Canines.  I first encountered this wonderful group 2 years ago when we adopted our sweet little cat, Sprout.  Since then, I have learned more about their mission and the work they perform. Please help them by making a donation or advocating for the adoption of one of their adoptable pets.
Sprout Capes-England
Felines & Canines was originally founded in 1977 as Felines Inc.; a licensed, cage-less, no-kill cat shelter located on the north side of Chicago. As a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, we are funded through adoption fees, fundraising events, foundations, and the generous tax-deductible donations of caring individuals like yourself. We do not receive any federal or state funding.
Up until January 2012, Felines Inc. has operated as a cat-only shelter caring for approximately 130 cats and kittens in our two-story house. After extensive thought, soul-searching and preparation, we made the decision to renovate and expand our facility in order to care for up to 200 cats/kittens and add a wing to house approximately 20 dogs/puppies – officially becoming Felines & Canines! Our mission always has been, and will continue to be: providing a safe and loving shelter to abandoned, injured, abused and neglected animals until their permanent adoptive home is found. We strengthen the human/animal relationship through counseling, education, and compassion.

Click on their Logo to check out their website!!!!!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

The Gabriel Foundation: Supporting Parrots Everywhere

I first became aware of the Gabriel foundation through my involvement with the Association of Avian Veterinarians.  They have taken on the huge task of fighting for the welfare of captive parrots and providing sanctuary to homeless or unwanted birds. Please consider supporting them financially or by carrying on their mission to advocate for the care of these beautiful and intelligent creatures.

Support them here: http://thegabrielfoundation.org

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The Night Ministry....

Today, because of the extreme cold, I wanted to support a local organization which supports the neediest among us.  The Night Ministry provides housing, food and support of those who have slipped between the cracks of society.  They not only offer immediate assistance, but also have programs to help people learn how to support themselves.  Please consider supporting their programs.  The idea of being outside and having no place to go on any day is horrifying, adding the complication of these extremely cold temperatures only makes it a nightmare.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Lambda Legal

Lambda Legal is a national organization committed to achieving full recognition of the civil rights of lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, transgender people and those with HIV through impact litigation, education and public policy work.

Click here to be taken directly to their website!!!

Lambda Legal Home Pagewww.lambdalegal.org

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Chikaming Open Lands

Chikaming Open Lands is a non-profit conservation organization working with landowners in the Galien River watershed and southwest Berrien County to preserve open space and the diverse, natural character of the area. The Galien watershed is nestled in the southwest corner of Michigan, home to lakes, dunes, white sandy beaches, quiet woodlands and farms.

COL was founded in 1999 when several concerned community members saw how drastically the area was changing, from natural and rural to more and more housing developments. They decided to take a stand and become more involved in community planning efforts by forming a land trust.

The minimum online donation is $10,  so today will be another twofer.  That gives you extra time to check them out and realize how worthy they are of your donation.


Saturday, January 4, 2014

Hidden Lake Gardens

Located in Tipton Michigan, Hidden Lake Gardens is a jewel for the gardener, hiker or nature lover.  Administered by Michigan State University, this botanic wonderland includes a temperate and tropical greenhouse, as well as world class collections of hostas and conifers.  I first discover this amazing place as a young person who was obsessed with plants and nature.  I have visited regularly and discover new and amazing treasures every time I visit.

Please check it out:

Click here to visit their website!!


Our mission is to maintain and improve Hidden Lake Gardens for the benefit and education of the public.

To instill an appreciation of plants, gardens, landscapes and the natural environment.

To display collections of plants that are of horticultural, botanical and aesthetic value to the public and professionals of various disciplines.

To interpret the collections and grounds and utilize them for the educational benefit of the public.

To preserve an undeveloped area of the scenic Irish Hills, providing a place of beauty and inspiration for public enjoyment.

Friday, January 3, 2014

A Worthy Cause....Cornell Ornithology Lab

The Cornell Lab of Ornithology is a clearing house for all things bird.  Playing a major role in supporting research, exploration and conservation of the world's avian species.  Not only do they provide support for professionals,  they also have created a platform for even the most basic birder to learn and grow.  In a world with shrinking habitat and many species facing the risk of extinction, Cornell Lab continues to lead the fight to save a place in the world for birds and educate the humans who love them.

Click on the link below to find out how you can help and explore their amazing website.


Wednesday, January 1, 2014

The First Donation: World Parrot Trust

My first donation was a bit of a dilemma.  I wanted  to start with one of my favorite organizations and  it was troubling to decide which one to choose.  I ultimately chose World Parrot Trust. The WPT has become a global organization supporting the protection of parrots in the wild and in captivity. Originally formed in Cornwall England, they have created chapters throughout the world.  By protecting the habitat for wild parrots to exist, they also provide and protect the home for thousands of other animal and plant species.  Please consider joining me in supporting such a worthy organization. (Because their minimum donation is $10, I won't be blogging or donating tomorrow.)

 Explore the link below to find out more about this incredible organization.
FlyFree Campaign