
This year I want to promote and support many of my favorite charities. Some of these will be personally important, some will be timely based on world events and some may be groups I discover over this year of giving. I hope by creating this blog, donating my daily $5.00 and bringing attention to the cause, I can change the world in a good way. Please consider following my lead by making a donation to any of the groups that resonate with you.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Feline Conservation Federation

In response to the pressing environmental stresses that threaten the survival of all felines in nature, the Feline Conservation Federation is dedicated to responsible captive management of wild feline genetics. 
FCF serves its members in ways that provide husbandry education, rescue funding, and conservation and research support. FCF operates a respectable accreditation and certification process to objectively verify that animal facilities are providing their felines the standards of care that they deserve. 
FCF works internally and externally to achieve these goals:
1. FCF provides feline facility operators with husbandry training and written guidelines on the proper and humane care of various feline species and our membership offers opportunities for exchange of information between those of various levels of experience. Those new to feline husbandry benefit from the professional expertise of our more experienced members. 
2. FCF educates the public about the need to protect wildlife habitat and properly manage captive gene pools to insure that species will survive for future generations.
FCF benefits its member facilities though increased collaboration and opportunities for mentorship, with the goal of raising the level of care and building capacity whenever possible. FCF fosters the synergy of every type of feline owner working together to insure that the world's wild felines are given proper care and respect in captivity and in nature. 
FCF is the first accrediting organization offering this service for the non-commercial feline owner as well as for facilities that operate as public exhibitions, feline refuges, and conservation breeding centers. The FCF accreditation is the "seal of approval" that will reassure donors and foundations, the media, and members of the public that the facility is operating with the highest level of husbandry and management practices and is clearly distinguished from substandard facilities.  
FCF facility accreditation will open the doors to foundation grants that reward honorable facilities that strive to meet the challenge of providing safe and rewarding environments for feline residents and also manage their genetics responsibly so that feline species are sustained in captivity for future generations. 
Gaining recognition by state agencies and granting foundations for accredited facilities is a top priority for FCF because we understand the tremendous challenge private conservationists face in meeting operating costs in these difficult economic times. 
The FCF organization's goal in working with, and assisting our member facilities, is to ensure they receive the necessary community and financial support, public and peer recognition, and are properly honored for meeting high standards of care for their felines in residence.

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