
This year I want to promote and support many of my favorite charities. Some of these will be personally important, some will be timely based on world events and some may be groups I discover over this year of giving. I hope by creating this blog, donating my daily $5.00 and bringing attention to the cause, I can change the world in a good way. Please consider following my lead by making a donation to any of the groups that resonate with you.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Okapi Conservation Project

Okapis, the last major mammal discovered in Africa, live only in the Democratic Republic of Congo, a country known as much for its political strife as for its incredible biodiversity. The people of the DRC have chosen the okapi as the symbol of their country’s wildlife. Its image is used in the logo of the ICCN, the Congolese Wildlife Authority.

The Okapi Wildlife Reserve is a World Heritage site that is home to more than 3,000 okapi and hundreds of other species. Although it is a national treasure, the reserve and its okapis are threatened by the insecurity of the DRC. Slash and burn agriculture, illegal gold mining and elephant poaching abound in the forests. In 2012, a vicious rebel attack on the Okapi Wildlife Reserve killed rangers and ambassador okapis and left surrounding villages devastated.

Throughout the DRC’s turmoil the Okapi Conservation Project has remained the primary supporter of the Okapi Wildlife Reserve and protector of the okapi.

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